So by this rationale – indeterminate nature of threat planning and the current difficulty the RAN is having with maintaining its older ships – the RAN doesn’t need to defeat an air threat? Then why do we need the AWDs or even the ESSM weapon? The point was made on the page previous that a carrier provides layered air defence capability. Something the RAN is trying to achieve on the cheap via SM6. The reason one spends lots of money on having a layered air defence system is it provides you with high survivability against a competent air threat. If you are just relaying on a single weapon system layer you are going to lose a lot of ships if someone comes at you with more technical competency and aggression than Gaddafi’s Libyan regime forces.Do we need to sustain aircraft overhead far from base? Who are we fighting? Indonesia? Chinese carrier? The USN? Fiji? NZ? Certainly your right on we can't efficiently sustain aircraft far from base. Do we have to? Regionally there aren't a lot of aircraft to fend off. Sure there's plenty of targets to bomb, but bombing runs are different from sustained air space sanitisation. Given we struggle to put hulls into the water, etc and money looks like it will be tight for a while, is it where we need to pump cash?
Well the point was made pretty clear the page before if only some people had bothered to note it rather than to wade in thinking this was a bash the little kid talking crap moment.All this carrier talk is giving me a head ache. I might take a break from posting and lurk for a while. I can't participate in this discussion nor do I think its terribly worthwhile. It feels like 100 people trying to shape rock using their craniums. Initially curious (to watch, why? what is the motive), but ultimately painful and a tad pointless. Sometimes people take a break from the rock to shape each others heads, then go back to the rock.
There are two issues both undoubtedly answered in the affirmative:
Does the RAN require at least a light carrier capability to carry out the expeditionary operations required of it in a medium intensity threat environment. [Yes]
Does the Australian Government or any likely alternative lack the motivation or even capability to fund and reform Defence enough to acquire said carrier capability. [Yes]