Tasman that is good stuff.
Question, is there any indication yet the size of force expected to be delivered by the LHD? I'm also curious regarding the scope of logistics support for combat operations and whether there is a requirement regarding the delivery of large weapons like Main Battle Tanks.
For example, a USN 3 ship force is designed to support 1 MEU centered around a single USMC reinforced battalion for combat operations for 15 days without additional support, and can include packages ranging from mech rifle companies to tank platoons.
I am not trying to compare the differences in size of the US force compared to the Australian force, and I have no intention of going there, but I am very curious regarding the comparisons regarding the potential scope for the force.
Does the RAN intend to be able to deploy the full range of capabilities from its LHDs; light, medium, and/or heavy? Are the ships being tailored to support minimum requirements of any specific type (example, a specific number of tanks as a minimum requirement)?
Just curious, while I am sure most casual observers down under focus on the platform as a naval aviation platform, my interest in the project is almost exclusively focused on its potential lift and assault capability.