Maybe it's just me but it seems the US is stepping up it's intimidation game versus Iran. In the last month the US Airforce has made announcements on three weapon systems that would most likely be used against Iran.
1. The Massive Ordnance Penatrator (mop) was given IOC
2. So to was a prompt global strike weapon (PGSW a intercontinental range hypersonic glider)
3.A previously black stealth cruse missile with directed energy and EW payload options has been unrivaled with IOC soon.:gun
1. The Massive Ordnance Penatrator (mop) was given IOC
2. So to was a prompt global strike weapon (PGSW a intercontinental range hypersonic glider)
3.A previously black stealth cruse missile with directed energy and EW payload options has been unrivaled with IOC soon.:gun