I think he;'s just pissed at the Collins because he didn't get the book deal to write the "truth" about them.This info on Mcphedran talking about Sub costs has really come as a massive revelation. I got a phone call earlier in the week from my father asking about Australian subs. So after explaining how they are a political football, very capable, with some unfortunate yet exaggerated breakdowns and that News Limited has a "hold crusade" against them he replied that he read about how US subs cost less to operate and were much larger. So I started wondering why he called me in the first place about it, he said he just read some "article" in a newspaper... just realised who wrote it, Ian ****inf Mcphedran.
I looked it up (Courier Mail) and the article was pretty much going on about how operating US subs would cost half as much and how they are way more capable. The article in good News Limited fashion also went on about how only 1/3 of the fleet is "could go to war and with a maximum of three available at any one time". It's funny how after all this time they still don't understand the deployment cycle.
In any case, he's a goose of the highest order. A worthy member of the Clown Club.