Well I think this is one of the first real opinion peices comming out taking a swipe at AWD and LHD. It was bound to happen. This one really has no traction or effort in it at all. He might as well just have written he didn't like the look of them.
The whole time I read that I could counter every argument with East Timor. The idea of the ships is not to be able to conduct amphibious assaults against hardend targets but perform the exact mission as East Timor without being so reliant on the US (hence have our foreign policy dictated by US avalibility which isn't good for Oz or USA) and being able to handle the situation if things went pear shaped (which was very close to happening in E.T). Was he in a sealed box for 20 years? This whole policy and procurement is borne out of East Timor and Cosgrove and other experiences. Its the most realistic and functional concept in Australian Defence in 50 years. But for the LHD's you can add domestic and international aid, piracy, seabasing, policing, evacuations missions. Surely after Brisbane, NZ quakes this has additional resonance. What about the evacuations out of Lebanon?
I mean, the army, navy and airforce all sharing capability outcomes and working together to achieve something? How outragous (sarcasim). So army vechical A fits inside naval unit B and aircraft C? Deploying and supplying enough ground forces to secure something strategically relevant in the region?
For a professor at ANU his argument is completely unsupported, opinionated trash not even worthy of the Sydney Telegraph celebrity pages. He discredits ANU and his other associated institutions.
Firstly the 1st point is rubbish. Australia is an island and we use our navy extensively and we need these types of ships to do that. I can't think of a first rate western nation that isn't building one of these type ships. 2nd point is rubbish, as AD has mentioned. The third, well interesting statement, but this is the one point he doesn't elaborate on at all. He must have completely forgot about it or has nothing to add in any way.There are three problems with this project. We do not need these ships. If we did need them, we shouldn't be building them in Australia. If we must build them here, we shouldn't be managing the project the way it is being managed.
The whole time I read that I could counter every argument with East Timor. The idea of the ships is not to be able to conduct amphibious assaults against hardend targets but perform the exact mission as East Timor without being so reliant on the US (hence have our foreign policy dictated by US avalibility which isn't good for Oz or USA) and being able to handle the situation if things went pear shaped (which was very close to happening in E.T). Was he in a sealed box for 20 years? This whole policy and procurement is borne out of East Timor and Cosgrove and other experiences. Its the most realistic and functional concept in Australian Defence in 50 years. But for the LHD's you can add domestic and international aid, piracy, seabasing, policing, evacuations missions. Surely after Brisbane, NZ quakes this has additional resonance. What about the evacuations out of Lebanon?
I mean, the army, navy and airforce all sharing capability outcomes and working together to achieve something? How outragous (sarcasim). So army vechical A fits inside naval unit B and aircraft C? Deploying and supplying enough ground forces to secure something strategically relevant in the region?
For a professor at ANU his argument is completely unsupported, opinionated trash not even worthy of the Sydney Telegraph celebrity pages. He discredits ANU and his other associated institutions.