While there is certainly some logic in that, the X-32 (the Boeing entrant) was found to not be as capable as the X-35 design from Lockheed, which is why Lockheed won the JSF contract as well. What good is it to award a programme to a company whose design does not meet programme requirements when the competing design does?
With hindsight, it is not quite so clear that the Lockheed design was superior. Yes, it won, largely because of the superior performance for STOVL due to the lift fan. But, that fan set up has turned into an extremely expensive problem that has dogged the program, and lead to many of the cost over-runs. The complexity of getting these systems working, from a mechanical and software perspective, IMO wasn't fully understood.
Without the STOVL requirement, I think the contest would have been closer, and may even have favored the Boeing. This may have been the smarter move, the F22 could have remained in production as the premier fighter, without then the need to make the JSF as advanced as it now needs to be, to also carry out roles that perhaps the F22 could have covered / been expanded into.
A more interesting question, is whether or not it was every really that smart to think that a stealth aircraft could cost effectively carry out all roles. Yes, stealth is a huge advantage early in the war zone, but once air dominance is achieved with the F22's and cruise missiles for example, maybe a simpler platform to just deliver bombs like the F16 would have been a smarter option for the bulk of the forces fighters?
The whole concept of a JSF that covers multiple roles was interesting, but maybe a bridge too far. The superhornet was an excellent example of this working for the Navy, but I'm not so sure sticking VTOL in, along with stealth was really that doable. For example, there was even nonesense suggesting the JSF would replace the A-10, which suggests how out of reality / wrapped up in a concept fad, the planners had become. Clearly it can't cost effectively be both a high altitude precision fighter bomber and a low altitude ground support aircraft.