NATO what is it now?
NATO was set up a mutual defence pact. So the big question is what real use is it now? I can not see at present, or in the medium term a threat to Europe or North America. As a result it does not surprise me that many nations in NATO are reducing military spending.
When the original member countries signed up to joining NATO, was it on the basis of forming a defense pact, and not a global police / power projection force. For newer members of NATO joining seems almost like a economic reward for aligning themselves away from Moscow and adopting a more western system of governance.
Lets face it, many of the newer member states do not have the equipment or money to really help out on the Global stage even if they desired to do so. Joining NATO has allowed them to focus resources on economic devolvement as they now have the security required to lower defense spending.
In Western Europe there is no huge will among the population to play the global police man. In general if there is a strong feeling of moral duty to “do the right thing” action is taken. Many of the nations have legacy’s throughout the world which often make direct intervention politically sensitive. If the UK were to act against Mugabe in Zimbabwe for the right reason’s it would be touted as re colonialisation. In the same respect as American intervention in the Islamic world is starting to become though of more as an attack on Islam as oppose to helping out.
Currently Western Europe is for reasons both political and economic are putting less money into defence. Over reliance on the USA and a lack of perceived threats has made military cuts very easy to make. The current Events in Libya and the USA not acting as much a major player will I hope breath some light into the reasons why money needs to be spent in defence. I believe that if it was not for the current lack of capability and current deployments taking up all available resources Syria would be very much in the limelight now for the more willing nations.
The problem with Europe is a simple one, there are too many voices. Assets are controlled by those who speak for them and it will remain the same. Some nations are more willing to contribute on the global stage than others, which makes a pan European force a painful thought in the political nightmare of getting it deployed in all but the most serious of events. Saying this further integration both industrial and militarily is the only way forth and getting there needs to be done in small steps, with likeminded nations working together. Even if spending does not increase, increased co-operation on all levels starting at R&D all the way to sharing assets will create a bigger more affective military force.
The USA which has always been the primary power of NATO. Having lived throughout Europe and North America it would be fair to say Americans have a very different view of the world than their European allies. In Europe there is a greater reserve and emphasis on the UN, in the US there is far less regard for the UN and global opinion. American interests come first and foremost, non American interests are far less publicized for the population to learn about, and when reported often do not tweak the public imagination enough to get action from the government.
There is no doubt in my mind that Europe and the US need each other, the world remains a very uncertain place and with the emerging challenges ahead a new balance in the relationship needs to be created. The US wants more from Europe and rightfully so, but also needs to rebuild some broken bridges. If you want your partners to take more responsibility you need to give their say more respect which many in Europe do not believe the Americans have given in the past and as a result has caused some offence. American’s and European’s have very different values and beliefs and we don’t all want the same thing.
As for NATO’s future, I believe it will remain but it will never be united against 1 cause in the same way as before. Future actions will be made up from coalitions of the willing with in NATO and its partner countries and with any luck Europe will become more united over its place in the world and responsibilities. .