I was able to watch the discovery channel feature yesterday about the Bin Laden raid. And it got me thinking...
How about those Chinooks?
They only mentioned about stealthy blackhawks... but the Chinooks are larger and were supposed to be hovering the entire time the SEALs went after Bin Laden. They're prime candidate for detection. Were they stealthy as well?
I have thought of the same.
Well Let me air a conspiracy theory:
Some of the Pakistanies, that will be at least be the air defense, knew that the americans were coming.
I can't believe that the US would sendt in 3+ helicopters betting that the pakistanies wouldn't detect them and consequvently shoot them down (which I feel confident that the pakistanies could have).
So let's guess that the higher echelon of the pakistani system was notified, that certain radar stations and air defense system and airforce personelle had taken a night off etc....
Afterwards the president of pakistan could blame the americans for the death of OBL - that many people in that part of the world regard as a hero. a win-win situation.
The strength of the secret weapon of the stealthy black hawks, was that it provided a plausible explaination on why the americans could pierce a well defended air space - but the loss of one disclosed that non-stealthy helicopters was also around, blowing the stealthy story out of the water.