Hello there, Chuck. Well, you got part of it right. If NATO backs out of Afghanistan before Karzai or his successor manages to get at least a largish chunk of that benighted land on the road to some sort of decently administered development in which children can be educated and in which women have the freedom and protection needed to inlcude them--all of them if they so wish--in a future that means something, then we can see NATO collapse.
I have to say, though, you sound a lot like some of the more liberal and decidedly Liberal folk in the UK when that country was expected to take on and pay for just about everything whenever the cannons roared and effective musketry was a very much required skill. And this is today's world whether we like it or not.
It's not a case of Americans thinking that they alone can save the world; it's really Americans being caught on the crest of the wave while trying to prevent the sharks in the trough from devouring them and their allies.
As for the CIA.... Well, they always get the bum rap simply because their "business" denies them the opportunity (or the right) to defend themselves. You can, of course, choose your own opinion in this respect. As for me, I am reasonably content that the CIA, CSIS, MI5, MI6, MI7 and the rest of them are doing the best that they can within the context of decency and democracy (although I do have a couple of bones of contention that I gnaw on now and then).:daz
HI John:
First of all, thanks for the response....it's always good to hear other thoughts and ideas. I'll try point to point responses and see how that works.
Liberal thinking from the UK....not, at all. Most consider me a ultra-conservative
from a red-neck state. I'm just tired of all the wars regardless of whom is to blame or the point needing to be made. I think the UN was a great idea but the reality is, it is worthless as shown in many cases; however, the world seems to be pushing for a NWO and thusly they remain popular with the smaller countries...so let them fight some of these wars without us.
Secondly, American foreign policy in the last fifty years has been ' in your face ' type of diplomacy...no matter whom you are, that's offensive. Here, Hillary fits into the mold perfectly! We have concerns around he world......so does everyone; we act on ours constantly causing trouble with the subversive CIA & contractors or thru diplomatic channels and it's time to stop that baloney.
Finally, the CIA runs drugs, counter productive to DEA, FBI, ATF and many general Homeland Security issues. The CIA runs guns...same ideas apply here.
The CIA has litlle to NO oversight...why ? Because they fund their own missions, for God and country, of course, regardless of Congress or the President...' need to know basis'....sure enough. When you have a weapon pointed at you and are 'advised' to leave the area quickly, you do develop some opinions about those people who swear to be doing the right thing for America. I think the CIA, along with the IRS, are two of the most dangerous groups in America, maybe even the world, for any purpose and they both display their attitudes with no one able to stop or hinder their processes. As a citizen, I'm very concerned about them and worry that they run the 'shadow' government everyone has heared of before..the
one that even some of our Presidents have knowledge of today.
So John, there you have it.........enjoyed the exchange.