New Member
So what you are saying is that you agree with me?The purpose of the Swiss fortifications is delay. There are only a couple routes into the country. By the time you battle past the forts those routes will be demolished. And some of those forts are situated so that if you take them out with airpower you have just demolished the road/track/tunnel yourself.
At that point your only alternatives are going in with airborne infantry, paratroops, or mountain troops on foot. They will be in a country where everyone between 16 and 60 is in the reserves, trains regularly, and by law keeps a full auto capable battle rifle in the house, with ammo.
Geography make the whole country a fortress. The fortifications mentioned previously are only the outworks, the Alps are the castle walls surrounding the keep of the Central Plateau. And do not even think of using nukes, or the fallout will poison the headwaters of most the major rivers of central Europe.
Switzerland is a poor example of this topic. The idea is that a SP such as The USA, or China would be able to fabricate a "SuperFortress" on/in another part of the world, and have it withstand another country's attacks, or thwart significantly the attackers ability to overrun the terrain it is occupying. Anyone who chooses to invade Switz. obviously has little regard for the safety of the "headwaters", nor the picturesque vistas, nor realizes the value of bypassing the terrain.
The concept of a Superfortress, is rendered ancient by Modern Weapon Systems and Air Power. Unless you have the technological ability to build massive underground complexes in other parts of the world. I pointed out the importance of Diego Garcia to some of the respondants in this forum. It acts in part as an Advanced American "SuperFortress" as stipulated by the original poster; tho some other posters feel that it lacks one or two capabilities to qualify it as such. (Tho I would beg to differ-yet that seems to be a topic for another thread).
If you were a minor power, then perhaps it would be important- ie., Columbia vs. Ecuador-whereas they both could benefit from a SF in the jungle near the border of their respective frontiers'.
However if the conflict grew into a Unlimited Conventional Modern War by inducing those countries allies (which both happen to be allied with the USA and signatories to the OAS) their "war" would be a regional conflict that -IMO- be over in a matter of days, or weeks. If the USA had to go down there and battle either, would their "forts" prevent us from doing so? I think not.