For starters, it is not really a RAN-USN relationship, it is a Oz-US relationship.Hi Guys, I want to try and get a grasp on Australia's military relationship with the US and specifically the Navies of the 2 nations. Are we really as close an allied force to the US as is made out by the media? Is this only because of the ANZUS treaty if we are?
If we are so close why? what is in it for the Americans? I can see what's in it for AUS but our defence force is a drop in the ocean compared to theirs so what is in it for them Or are they really just helping out a smaller nation with similar interests in the world.
And lastly regarding Anzus if someone were to directly attack AUS would the USA drop everything and come running to our defence (providing we could not sort out the problem ourselves) or would this only happen if it served them to do so?
I am sorry for asking possibly stupid questions but when you search for things like this on the web there is so much conflicting information, I know for sure on here there are professional people in the industry who know the whole story and are not going to be blinded by which way they swing or country pride etc
As already observed, the US and Australia have similar national origins, and there is also shared values. Then there is the historical ties between the US and Australia, while these historical ties are not as strong or intertwined as those of Australia and NZ, they are still present nonetheless.
Then there is also the strategic location of Australia. From a US perspective, in order to maintain a worldwide reach and comms/sensor footprint, secure sites spread around the world are needed. As such, Australia is host to joint US/ADF comms facilities, and elements of the US space programme have comm and radar sites within Australia.
Now, if something were to threaten Australia, it is questionable just what the US would do exactly. The US IMO would act with its own interests in mind, but what those are exactly is very situational. Keep in mind though, that pretty much the only nation which is currently able to directly threaten Australia is the US...