Europe already is projecting power down there. There's over a dozen warships in the area, and enough transport aircraft deployed to Malta to drop a whole brigade of troops on Tripolis (or Bengazhi) if necessary. And then there's the buildup in Souda.
The current flotilla stationed in Malta and Catania includes (from EU nations):
- Francesco Mimbelli (IT), AAW DDG
- Tromp (NL), AAW DDG
- Tourville (FR), ASW DDG
- Westminster (UK), FFG
- Cumberland (UK), FFG
- Brandenburg (GE), FFG
- Rheinland-Pfalz (GE), FFG
- Fenice (IT), FFL
- Comandante Bettica (IT), OPV
- Mistral (FR), LHD
- San Giorgio (IT), LPD
- San Marco (IT), LPD
- Berlin (GE), AOR
(based out of Malta and Catania; Italian ships only those assigned to the mission)
Note 1: Georges Leygues was escorting Mistral to Tunisia, but is replaced in that role by Tourville and returns to Toulon
Note 2: Mistral is noted by Meretmarine as currently carrying a reinforced marine infantry company (205 men from 9th BLBIMa) with 20 VAB, 3 AMX-10RC, 4 120mm mortars and an engineer platoon. To support these, Mistral has two Gazelle and two Puma helos from Army Aviation embarked.
Note 3: Fenice and Comandante Bettica are primarily guarding the two defected Libyan ships south of Malta.
The Charles de Gaulle carrier group is on immediate readiness for deployment by the way, and is intended to arrive in Tunisian/Maltese waters in a timeframe of 60 to 100 hours if the command is given. This (with Tourville already detached) could include:
- Charles de Gaulle (FR), CV
- Forbin (FR), AAW DDG
- Amethyste (FR), SSN
- Meuse (FR), AOR
If anyone wonders where the other big ships are: Simple, they're in Valletta - with NATO NRF exercise Noble Mariner 11. Some of the above ships were originally planned to take part in this exercise, which will go on until March 10th. The actually participating ships are in the following units.
NATO SNMCMG1 was planned to move into the area this week (from Valletta), with a port visit in Tunisia originally planned on March 15th (don't know if this is still going). SNMCMG1 currently consists of:
- Kontradmiral X Czernicki (PL), multi-role tender/LST
- Datteln (GE), MCMV
- Haarlem (NL), MCMV
- Brocklesby (UK), MCMV
- Narcis (BE), MCMV
SNMG1 is planned to move into the central mediterranean too (for Active Endeavour) with its next port in Sicily, and currently consists of:
- Lübeck (GE), ASW FFG
- Oker (GE), ELINT vessel (!)
- Etna (IT), AOR
And finally Spain's Maritime High Readiness Force, probably not that likely to go the same way (possibly going on similar status to CdG?):
- Principe de Asturias (ES), CVL
- Alvaro de Bazan (ES), AAW DDG
- Victoria (ES), FFG
- Navarra (ES), FFG
- Castilla (ES), LPD (note: attached as Noble Mariner command ship)
- Marques de la Ensenada (ES), AO
There's btw also a number of SSKs involved in the area already - and e.g. in Noble Mariner 11 alone four SSKs ready to go into it - that aren't listed here.
Project Power?