These programs cause the employment of massive numbers of personnel to run and cause all sorts of inefficiencies to the various frontline/coal face personnel inflicted with their presence. They are far more than a handful of ‘Political Correctness’ programs and relate to the incredible inefficiencies in modern ‘risk adverse’ management. Slash the admin load and not only will you save upwards of 50% of the Defence budget you will significantly improve the working conditions of the balance of the force actually delivering capability.
change the cabinet enforced processes and efficiency will go up. 99.9% of people fail to understand that projects are running under legislated processes.
suits and uniforms pay the price for this. we're a model of efficiency compared to some of NATO.
its a damn shame that the govt doesn't allow journo's into the corporate briefs - they might get a little surprise about how things actually work.
eg the recent article on my project was nonsense (even though it was absolutely positive) unfort we can't comment or correct things or suffer the risk of......
govt knows that they get a free ride and the general public and media will regularly bash the public service. whats laughable is when you see some talking about procurement purely through CDG and DMO terms and often mix up the roles and responsibilities.
I despair at the quality of journalism on defence issues in this country, but know that the poor bastards doing the job can't even go out and correct the most basic mistakes. It regularly goes to govt that staff are pissed at not being able to defend themselves against some of the trollish behaviour that passes as journalism in this country - but it ends up being handled by media units.
I don't know who's teaching Govt media liaison, but when I had to do my course it was a solid month and run and done by ABC taught investigative journalists.
when you don't look after your people, when you let this crap pass as truth - then you will never get the absolute loyalty and goodwill that does exist.