Carry-on quoting ancient history, because that’s what most of your opinions are.Abraham Gubler said:Like I said at the start, opinions are worthless when they fly in the fact of facts. You can believe any shit you want, like some old desert cave hermit flew a 12 legged horse from the Hejaz to Judea 1,400 years ago and that is somehow important to our lives today. But that doesn’t make it remotely true.
The improved dovetailing of UK & French assets across ALL three services will be announced November the 2rd by the UK and French leaders followed by a major joint exercise.
Both countries represent the two strongest militaries in Western Europe – Following quote taken from today’s media announcement:
UK/France “account for what one senior diplomat called a "critical mass" of Europe's military capabilities, including 45% of all EU military spending, half the total number of armed forces, and 70% of military research and development in the EU. Plans include synchronizing nuclear missile submarine patrols and aircraft carrier missions, squadrons of fast jets operating together, and high-level training. "The aim is to fill the gap – how to work together on operations," said a source familiar with the intense talks that have been taking place between French and British officials in recent weeks.”
This announcement ties in with the change from STOVL to the current cat & trap layout, which can host Rafi's. So French sqn's and Hawkeye WILL (my house is still available) operate from the QE class when their active carrier is in dry-dock. The recent decision to redesign PA2 to a size and internal volume / layout similar to that of the QE means it will be built IMHO, and if France chooses to operate ONLY a single carrier, then it will be CdG that will get the chop later in the decade (it’s spent more time broken than active, which offsets its nuclear advantage). See link
Hopefully the UK will end up with two Carriers, however if only one is kept, it makes absolute sense that the French and UK synchronise down-time and cross deck conventional sqns and Hawkeye to keep pilots current. It wouldn't suprise me to hear that FAA pilots will not only train on SH in the US, but also Rafi prior to the arrival of the F35C.
The UK/France dedicated modern DDG force will amount to eight (6 x T45, 2 x Horizon), more than enough to protect a joint Strike/ARG should it need to be deployed based around a single strike carrier. Throw in a couple of Bays, 1 active Albion and a Mistral and should be able to lift 1 x UK Commando++ & 1 x French Naval Infantry Battalion.
Also I strongly believe the French will buy into the UIK Strategic Tanker programme and lease time, still allowing the UK to maintain a daily ration of nine available airframes. This new joint operating relationship may also lead to a reciprocal agreement with pooled Hawkeye, the UK buying maybe one or two extra to guarantee enough for both armed forces (a wild guess, buts let’s wait and see). The French are also interested in a JV on Mantis as a credible alternative to Reaper. Its twin engine configeration makes it ideal for a Naval application, should one engne fail it can still return to the host vessel.
I still think Taranis, or son of, will end up as a cheap marinised future strike option and that will require EMALS or EMCAT. We have to stop looking at the here and now and plan ahead, the QE's have a 50 year lifespan. In ten years time Taranis options should have been de-risked and MKII version possibly ordered to compensate for fewer numbers of F35C's. All those nations who have invested in STOVL platforms might end up with egg on their faces in 10-15 years time if suddenly the US, UK & France start fielding stealthy UCAV's requiring cat & trap launch technology.
Whilst the UK maintains strong ties with Italy, Spain and Germany, the only European country post WWII with the experience and the will to take part in overseas high-risk adventures is France, so a combined UK/French taskforce should hopefully provide enough credible Euro clout without getting tied down in petty politics and ludicrous restrictive caveats as witnessed in A-Stan. If you have to join with a partner to maintain a consistant credible presence then do it with your strongest nearest ally. The only way to do that from a Naval perspective is to ensure your principle deliverers of strategic influence (SSN's, SSBN's and Carriers) are sync'd - it makes absolute sense.
Over to you Herodotus...
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