Joining Australian Defence Force


New Member
hi guys, i am wondering if you could shed some light on some of my concerns.
i want to join the army as a firefighter, i have transfered from regular reserves to stand-by a few months ago and i am currently overseas now, i was wondering if i could book anything while im away so when i get back the process will be faster and how often are enlistment dates?


Aussie Digger

hi guys, i am wondering if you could shed some light on some of my concerns.
i want to join the army as a firefighter, i have transfered from regular reserves to stand-by a few months ago and i am currently overseas now, i was wondering if i could book anything while im away so when i get back the process will be faster and how often are enlistment dates?


If you want to transfer to ARA, you are going to have to go through SCMA. That would also require you to re-activate and become AIRN compliant as they won't even process your paperwork without AIRN compliance...

So you'd have to start parading again. Otherwise you'll have to discharge completely and re-apply all over again.

Either way, you are not going to get much achieved from overseas and neither way will be very quick I'm afraid. Neither DFR or SCMA work all that quickly in my experience...

Depending on your training too, you might have to do Kapooka again. You most definitely will have to do an IET course again.

I'd suggest the quicker way would be to re-activate at your unit, be come AIRN again and check through the DRN as to whether there actually are any firefighter positions available and then apply through your current unit...


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thanks for your reply. i think im going to get compliant again and contct scma. what is DRN are they different to scma?
