New Member
I don't think my reply denounced the abilities of the FireScout in any way. As I said - it's about capabilities and what the mission calls for. If you need a stealthy track and monitor or longer range and endurance, FireScout is a better solution. But if you need to deliver a VBSS team, Seahawk is what you should call for. Ship commanders like options, so it's definitely going to be a mix of both air assets going forward. But if you have the luxury of knowing in advance what tools to bring to the job, wouldn't you take the option of doubling up on what you know you need more?Not much faith in the FireScouts?
Now that I think about it, I believe that LCSs with two MQ-8s and one Seahawk is my preferred armament.
One question: The LCS has a core crew of 50 but a capacity at 75. Does this allow for an attachment of Marines?
Armed UAVs are already proven (Predator for one), so it's now a matter of getting beyond IOC (which for FireScout started somewhere in '09) and getting to operational deployment phase. Eventually an armed FireScout will be an option, but for now, getting a more accurate picture of what's around you without the other guy knowing about it is a pretty powerful tool in of itself.
Right now, none of the three core mission packages call for that many attachments in terms of infantry troops. That's not to say LCS couldn't embark them. The initial CONOPS written for the platform called for the ability to deliver SOF troops, provide for their habitability as well as the attached air or small boat assets to deliver them to their objective.