Germany tried and failed on a 155mm project didn't they? That suggests that if the UKan build a 155mm that works and is in NATO standard calibre, they might actually have an exportable product.
BAE has undertaken extensive tests using the AS90 gun/breach inside an adapted 4.5'' turret. The slower rate of fire is offset by the increased firepower and range of ordnance available. For example: Excalibur removes the need for a high rate of fire simply because pin-point accuracy will achieve a first round hit every time - fire for effect will be a thing of the past. Shore based forward observation officers or UAV's will be able to laser guide rounds on top of static or moving targets. With the reduction in the number of land-based SP guns spare barrels can be utilised and inserted in the new mount. It is the cheapest option out there, a gun barrel is a gun barrel, today R&D funds are being spent developing new intelligent 155 rounds, so why not buy into existing innovations, which can be used on land and sea simplifying logistics and supply chain.
I have a PDF BAE presentation which explains the whole concept in detail (too large to attach). The new 155TMF design integrates the AS90 155mm ordnance with the Mk8 Naval Gun alowing for cost savings and a similar footprint, bringing (according to BAE):
•Enhanced capability
•Affordable through-life cost
•Land and Naval fire coherence
•UK funded research programme to inform the Future Surface Combatant requirements
•Mitigating technology risk
•Excellent progress to date
Ship Installation factors:
•Type 23 Ship Structural Interfaces - Minor reinforcement
•Type 45 Ship Structural Interfaces - Minor reinforcement and minor structural stiffening
•Electrical System Modifications Required
•Additional control and drive systems defined and power requirements estimated
•Harmonic limits for ships supply met
•Fire Control Interfaces
•Ballistic calculations can be updated
•Capacity available to control future intelligent munitions
•Existing system interfaces will allow integration with wider battlefield command and control systems
The complete tried and tested 155TMF design will be ready by 2011-14 (subject to funding)
I guarantee who ever comes up with a workable 155 maritime gun mount, which is cost effective and light enough will dominate the market, particularly in countries with limited budgets. If you are a nation who uses both land based and ship based 155's, it means you can buy a single stock of ammunition and divert it to where the threat materialises (on land or sea). Your home grown ammunition manufactures only have to focus on a single ammo type avoiding additional expense, tooling and training.:flash