That right! I served in the U.S. Army with 101st ABN during that time too all I remember was the Air Force were hunting SCUD launcher. Our unit was ready to go to Baghdad the fear was the fight that we would have in Baghdad. I still think we should have finish the job then. Now let be real about this SCUD thing there is no way u can hide a SCUD unless you hide it in a town or city. There isn't enough space in Lebanon to hide it. Lebanon is just to small thats common sense. I will give Hezbollah this much they are much more of a fighting force than in the 90's. The Israelis hit hezbollah real hard in 2006 war but the training of Hezbollah has greatly improve. The Israelis are doing what U.S. did in Iraq they just making an excuse to finish off what they should have done before. Now look at this why and how would Hezbollah have the right manpower to run this SCUD equipment. It just a joke!! I will give this to the Hezbollah there not chumps anymore but to get some SCUD it don't add up. It just to much for them right now to operate right now they just overcame the training part of a infantry level force, I meant the discipline part. I just don't think they have the capability to operate them. Now they could have received training in another country. Hezbollah got advisor from Iran helping them out anyway. I just don't believe they have a real SCUD. Syria need all they can keep there military is in bad shape.