What future purposes? The US can strike anywhere on the globe by air or amphibious means - why does it 'need' Israel?
Dunno about that. Every time the US tries to create peace in the middle East it collapses and leaves a lot of US politicians looking stupid. And you cannot pin all the blame on the Arab side of the equasion either - the Israelis have just announced another 1800 (?) homes built on disputed territory - in that regard they are thumbing their noses at the rest of the world.
The Israelis will push their friendship with the septics too far one day - the WWII/holocaust "guilt trip" is fading rapidly, and Israel is no longer needed to provide a pro democratic presence alongside their communist supported Siria and Egypt (60's and 70's). Life would be a hell of a lot easier for the US without the continual thorn in the side that is the Palestinian/Israeli issue.
Give me the reason you think that the US needs Israel...
Land for 'Peace' is an oxymoron, it has never worked between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
The 'wars' that the USA has gotten involved in ( Irak / Afghanistan) have NOT been the result of anything the Israe has done / or hasn't done.
Palestine ( West Bank & Gaza Strip) came in to existance because of the 1967 War, when 5 odd Arab countries attack Israel with the sole intent to wipe Israel off the map.
They did not suceed, but Jordan 'captured' the area now called the West Bank ( and promptly expel any Jews living in the East Jerusalem area and destroyed their synagoges) Israel regained the East Jerusalem area in a later 'war', and under U.N. legislation are perfectly entitled to keep the area gained back, the same as the Golan Heights captured from Syria .
If you think Israel is being unreasonable to the Palestinians just check out the King of Jordan's little dust up with is belligerent 'Palestinian' refugees called 'the Bl;ack September', check out how many 'Palestinians' died?
The Gaza Strip was an area captured by the Egyptians in the '67' war, when Israel controled the Gaza Strip major infrasructure improvements were instigated, check out now what has happened since they left, I think it was over 8000 rockets have been launched against innocent Israeli civilians, check out how many Fatah 'offficers' have been dispatched by Hamas 'officers' since Hamas won the last lot of local elections.
Please explain to me how the "Palestinians' have got any claim on East Jerusalem, they have only been recognized as 'Palestinians' ( Arafat's era ), they have never ever in the history of the M.E. had East Jerusalem as their capital city.
Israel has had ALL of Jerusalem as the capital city since the days of King David, yes they have lost control of Jerusalem at various times over the millenium, but they have all had a presence and always regarded Jerusalem as their Holy City.
Its marvelous the First Nation tribes in the USA, and our own Australian aboriginies, and the Moari's in New Zealand have won land rights to THEIR original home countries areas, I think it would be fare to say the Jews of Israel have the same rights.
The 'Arabs' regard all the areas over the millenium they have occupied as ( dar al Islam ) yes they even claim Andalusia ( Spain), but they have lost all these areas due to losing the Wars, they have a massive loss of face, this is the main factor in their aggressive demands ( along with their Islamic religous beliefs ) that they should be given all this ancient Arab empire back.
Palestine will never work as an single enity, the PLO Fatah are regarded as totally corrupt, the Hamas are recognized as a Terrorist organisation, backed by Iran. Both Fatah and Hamas hate each other worse than they hate Israel.
The local Arab countries could have absorbed all the 'Palestinian' refugees in their countries, they are 'fellow Arabs' and all this bullshit would have been over 40 years ago, but no all the Arab countries want to destroy Israel and claim back the ALL the land for 'Dar al Islam', that is the only rerason that 'Palestine' and the 'Palestinian's' exist, as an excuse to keep the war against Israel going, and at this moment they are trying to use Obama/Clinton to do their dirty work for them.
Obama promised to maintain all of Jerusalem's integrity during his election promises?
But, at the end oif the day Jerusalem is not Obama's, or Clinton, or anyone else to give away, it belongs to Israel and as long as Bidi is there it will never be divided.:smilie