LOL! awsome at first! later, (like everything,military take away the fun factor) standing up for 40 odd minutes hooked up to a static line, with a paracute on your back, stapped so tight that it physiccally bends you over, then with 40 odd kg strapped to your front, with 31 other blokes throwing up, and pushing forward...its not a lot of fun!
and DZ,s are never close to your objective, and being airbourne means you have to man pack nearly everything with get very good at walking!
getting back to the marines v army thing, In my experience, the marines had a similer esprit de corp as us , (with a lot more hu-ra B/S than us though) and that can get you through the tough times. I reckon the marines showed more "get on with it "attitude than the US army, who seemed to complain more about just about everything.