Yeah, light's kind of a fuzzy area of physics. No one quite know what it is (particle? wave? both? something else entirely?) and I'd stay away from absolute statements on it unless you have a PhD in the mixed photons and electrons. First one is the quantum of EM field. Second - elementary particle. This beam is not the electrons beam.
because of einstain formula E=mc^2, any energy has mass. So photon has mass too.
What energy this laser has? 5 megawatts??? to large - you need a permanent power source of 6-7(estimation) megawatts on the board, because of not 100% efficiency of conversion of source power to beam power.
And we're on something of a tangent here anyways...
Even if the laser doesn't score a physical kill, it can still disable the missile's electronics by subjecting them to intense heat. The missile will still keep going, but odds are it'll land in the middle of no where rather than hitting it's target. A catastrophic kill is certainly preferable, but you might not always be able to get it, so you'll under certain conditions you could have to settle for a mission kill.Also in this video the laser fires for some time but the exhaust plume (the only visible part fo the missle) of the missile keeps going strong even after the laser stopped firing. So it begets the question did the Laser actualy affect the missile ?