You fellas are mixed up on your info. "km" = kilometers while "nm" = nautical miles. A nautical mile is 1.825 km. You are mixing up date given in kilometers with data given in nautical miles.
I can assure you the Tiger can't fly 730 nautical miles on 2,300 pounds of fuel and the Apache sure as heck has a bigger combat radius than 97 nautical miles (which is roughly equal to 150 km). The Apache Longbow only carries 86 pounds more in fuel than the Tiger yet carries a bigger load. I would say fuel logistics and economy aren't going to be decission makers on this one.
The Apache can ferry 1,100 nautical miles or....over 2,000 kilometers.
In any event the real story is told in the aircrafts performance planning interpolation charts. Helicopters do not have static performance capabilities. For example wiki lists the Tigers "Max Speed" but that is a term that isn't even used in the aviation profession because it's meaningless. There's max cruise (maximum cruise airspeed) and VNE (velocity not to exceed). Typically at max cruise you still have enough power to initiate a 500 fpm climb which is a standard rate of climb. Helicopters don't hit VNE in straight and level flight.
I can assure you the Tiger can't fly 730 nautical miles on 2,300 pounds of fuel and the Apache sure as heck has a bigger combat radius than 97 nautical miles (which is roughly equal to 150 km). The Apache Longbow only carries 86 pounds more in fuel than the Tiger yet carries a bigger load. I would say fuel logistics and economy aren't going to be decission makers on this one.
The Apache can ferry 1,100 nautical miles or....over 2,000 kilometers.
In any event the real story is told in the aircrafts performance planning interpolation charts. Helicopters do not have static performance capabilities. For example wiki lists the Tigers "Max Speed" but that is a term that isn't even used in the aviation profession because it's meaningless. There's max cruise (maximum cruise airspeed) and VNE (velocity not to exceed). Typically at max cruise you still have enough power to initiate a 500 fpm climb which is a standard rate of climb. Helicopters don't hit VNE in straight and level flight.