Ozzy Blizzard
New Member
I think you make two assumptions here that I don’t think are realistic:1805 said:Agreed, but we are talking about coast bombardment in the Gulf. My point about Toulon is not a joke, once the RN was expelled, the city had to surrender, equally if the Iranians expell the Allied Navies from the Gulf we are dependent of a very brittal Saudi Araba (to me the Shah looked more stable) . Remember once the Vietnamization of Iraq is complete and the US finally leave, Iraq will likely become a client state of Iran or just collapse into civil war...maybe it already has.
a) That Iran will be able to deny use of the Persian Gulf to NATO forces
b) That once the US withdraws the majority of its combat forces out of Iraq that Baghdad will not lead a viable state & there will be a major level of Iranian control.
On the first issue I don’t see a realistic scenario where Iran does prevent NATO use of the Gulf, Toulon is in many ways a false analogy. Even if Iran has amassed enough AShM rounds nessisary to overwhelm a deployed task force it will have a hell of a time achieving the local mass necessary due to NATO air power. There is no doubt that Allied forces will have air superiority within 12 hours. After that point any attempt mass shore batteries of AShM's, as small as they are, will be savaged. The shore based AShM threat will be significantly reduced once Iranian ISTAR capabilities have been neutralised alone. This is one of Iran’s primary counters to any US strike so you can bet US planners have contingencies in place.
This is the critical difference with Toulon, vertical envelopment.
As for b) well I think we are a very long way from having an Iranian puppet government. First of all the Kurds and the Sunni's won’t stand for it and second of all neither will the Americans. Things are without doubt getting better in Iraq and although the Maliki government is hardly ideal we are miles away from full blown civil war or Iranian domination. US military backing will prevent any semi legitimate Iraqi state from falling under Tehran’s thumb. You have to remember the Iranians and Iraqis are historical enemies (as are Arabs and Persians).
I know this is a little bit OT but the fund bits always are!