Ran into this at Lenta.ru: Lenta.ru: Îðóæèå: Ðîññèÿ ïðîäàëà Ìüÿíìå 20 èñòðåáèòåëåé ÌèÃ-29
Apparently MiG won what looks like a tender for 24 fighters, with it's main competitors being Chinese. However I have not heard news of any such tender, or even Russian sales offers. Burma already operates 12 Fulcrums, so this addition makes some sense. I was wondering if anyone knows whether these will be VVS inventory, re-builds, or new builds? And what variant is being offered? If it's VVS inventory, these are S, if re-builds SMTs, if new builds then M2s.
Apparently MiG won what looks like a tender for 24 fighters, with it's main competitors being Chinese. However I have not heard news of any such tender, or even Russian sales offers. Burma already operates 12 Fulcrums, so this addition makes some sense. I was wondering if anyone knows whether these will be VVS inventory, re-builds, or new builds? And what variant is being offered? If it's VVS inventory, these are S, if re-builds SMTs, if new builds then M2s.