The LCS would be able to out run most torpedos and underwater drones out there. Throw in a couple of decoys and counter measures and its not a bad way to avoid them.
To get a firing solution on it with a diesel sub would almost be impossible. Trying to get near it in a fast boat with a RPG/explosives is also not really an option either. Normal patrol boats arent going to get near it. It can outrun everything naval except maybe a SSN, which honestly who is going to send a SSN after a LCS..
Anything rotary air based may have a range issue when closing in on the LCS as well. It means the LCS can sit nearer the coast, operate closer to uncertain situations which could be the difference between getting your people out and leaving them behind to find their own way back. If it finds itself in a pickle it can't handle it can just run hard and fast to the nearest USN/USAF major asset coverage.
Sure its got weaknesses, but as a smaller, low draft, fast hull to cover the area most of the USN has difficulty operating in, its not a bad idea. Its got a party trick. I don't know if its good value but the cost mentioned so far means the USN is most likely going to get a functionally useful number of ships.
To get a firing solution on it with a diesel sub would almost be impossible. Trying to get near it in a fast boat with a RPG/explosives is also not really an option either. Normal patrol boats arent going to get near it. It can outrun everything naval except maybe a SSN, which honestly who is going to send a SSN after a LCS..
Anything rotary air based may have a range issue when closing in on the LCS as well. It means the LCS can sit nearer the coast, operate closer to uncertain situations which could be the difference between getting your people out and leaving them behind to find their own way back. If it finds itself in a pickle it can't handle it can just run hard and fast to the nearest USN/USAF major asset coverage.
Sure its got weaknesses, but as a smaller, low draft, fast hull to cover the area most of the USN has difficulty operating in, its not a bad idea. Its got a party trick. I don't know if its good value but the cost mentioned so far means the USN is most likely going to get a functionally useful number of ships.