The Super Hornet dose have a greater capability against the competing aircraft
*mix of weapons that can be carried,
*APG-79 Aesa radar,
*open architecture mission computers
*High order language softwear,high speed fiber channel network,digital solid state recorder
*Joint Network cetric operations with link 16 MIDS
*digital comunication system capable of sending/recieving Voice,data,still or moving images from warships,ground stations,fighters and airborne control/survelance aircraft.
i could go on.................
I would go as far to say that the F18EFG has the greatest ALL ROUND capability in the Brazillian comp.
I like how the F18 Rhinos use jamming(as apposed to LO) as a means of punching thru a defensive perimiter.Its just another way of doing business.JSF uses LO to get the job done while the F18 Rhinos use Jamming.
Vivendi i would like to explain what i mean by capability.
As Salty Dog has pointed out......
Well i assume they favour it because its the most capable aircraft
Vivendi as to your above Quote on the JSF costing less to operate than the F16 you need to use better Bait than that mate.ANYHOW here goes............................
I did not compare the JSF to F18 so it puzzles me why you have quoted me and asked a question ,about JSF when i am taliking about F18 ,and the competition in the Brazillian tender.I recon time will tell if the JSF will be cheaper to operate than the F16,but i would take what lockhead says with a pinch of salt.
I was only stating that i think the F18EFG is the most capabile aircraft in the Brazilian competition,and it seems some of the Brazilian pilots,agree that the F18 has the capabilities required.
Good luck to the French i would like to see the Rafael get some export success.........