After reading about all the setbacks, cost increases, and problems accosiated with the JSF I would like to propose a couples of Questions?
1. Did the pentagon make a mistake selecting the LM F-35 over the Boeing x-32?
Some say the largest factor in the decision process was the opinion that the x-32 was ugly. My impression was Boeing was using more risky technology (more advanced and less proven) then the project presented by LM. And in regard to the problems facing the JSF would these have also have surfaced in the Boeing x-32 regardless, as some of these problems are inherent to the process ie, 3 different major variants of 1 airframe, and multinational considerations. And was LM chosen solely due to its f-22 work?
2. Secondly with the need of a new US bomber some have speculated a FB-22 variant of the F-22. However, after having a more indepth look at the x-32 I wonder if the x-32 could be a redesigned into a new bomber design. In my opinion it looks more like a bomber then a multi-role fighter.
1. Did the pentagon make a mistake selecting the LM F-35 over the Boeing x-32?
Some say the largest factor in the decision process was the opinion that the x-32 was ugly. My impression was Boeing was using more risky technology (more advanced and less proven) then the project presented by LM. And in regard to the problems facing the JSF would these have also have surfaced in the Boeing x-32 regardless, as some of these problems are inherent to the process ie, 3 different major variants of 1 airframe, and multinational considerations. And was LM chosen solely due to its f-22 work?
2. Secondly with the need of a new US bomber some have speculated a FB-22 variant of the F-22. However, after having a more indepth look at the x-32 I wonder if the x-32 could be a redesigned into a new bomber design. In my opinion it looks more like a bomber then a multi-role fighter.