The BBC are reporting that the carriers are a terrifying one billion pounds over-budget. They quote a memo from the lead contractors saying: "This is a very real fight for the programs survival."
Given the current financial circumstances, I think there's a very real chance the shows over for the project, which would be a disaster, given that the navy's basically reorganised itself around a blue-water expeditionary posture that the carriers form the centerpiece of. What on earth is the RN to do without the carriers it's sacrificed so much for?
I know the carriers have been under threat before, but this time I'm seriously worried. The election's next year, financial crisis, the army screaming for more money, budget black holes galore - and now the carriers over-budget by a billion. Not looking good for the Andrew. Not looking good at all.
To reiterate wot Musashi said & state the obvious...
This project is here to stay, unwanted, unloved, unbuilt, or not !
Forget about penalty clauses in the contract (although they are a BIG factor). Suppliers have already got a lot of the parts being built, or in stores, waiting for delivery. Steel is being stockpiled, ready for manufacture into a hull & the Royal family representative (who, by the way, will officially 'cut the steel' is on standby to do this sometime in the next few weeks).
The issue here is the the carriers have been an active requirement for our navy since WW II. It would be sheer shortsightedness, if 'the govt' (whether it be Labour or Conservative), decided to cut this programme, based on squeued information from 'financial advisor's' & public opinion.
We are in a state of financial flux, with the media baying for a general election, & IF we opted to cancel the carriers, we would have learned nothing from our history...
Were we not in a similar state in the 1960's, when they held an election, the standing party lost, their opponents came in & destroyed 2 of Britain's defence objectives, the TSR 2 fighter & a 65,000 tonne aircraft carrier...
Since then, every successive govt has chopped at defence budgets, while declaring huge plans, greater projects, with the latest technology, only to drop it into the lap of 'the next govt'. (the carriers were actually a TORY / Thatcherite idea !).
As an individual whose livelyhood is dependant on shipbuilding, I'd gladly allow 1 penny in the pound to be added to my taxes, to ENSURE that we are able to provide our armed services with the equipment they need & to allow the country to defend itself & the trade routes on the high seas, that our country would not survive without.