With all this talk of defence cuts and a defence review if the Tories get in I thought I would get your guys opinions on what you would do if you were in charge of RAF procurement. You can do what you want as long as it is in budget.
Here is the scenario you have a budget of 3 billion (including 1.5 billion towards a puma replacement) plus any money saved from you cancelling any of the following projects:
Project Money saved (Not actual figures)
JSF - 5 billion
Tranche 3 Typhoon - 5 billion
A400M - 2.4 billion
FSTA - 2.5 billion
Retiring Harrier - 1 billion
Retiring 2 sqn’s of Gr4 - 0.5 billion
Sell 24 tranche 1 typhoons to Oman - 1.5 billion
• Must be in budget
• Must give reason for pulling out of a project
• Use current aircraft prices when deciding what to procure
• If you want feel free to give arguments towards merging AAC or FAA assets into the RAF (get extra 1 billion) for budget if you do
Here is the scenario you have a budget of 3 billion (including 1.5 billion towards a puma replacement) plus any money saved from you cancelling any of the following projects:
Project Money saved (Not actual figures)
JSF - 5 billion
Tranche 3 Typhoon - 5 billion
A400M - 2.4 billion
FSTA - 2.5 billion
Retiring Harrier - 1 billion
Retiring 2 sqn’s of Gr4 - 0.5 billion
Sell 24 tranche 1 typhoons to Oman - 1.5 billion
• Must be in budget
• Must give reason for pulling out of a project
• Use current aircraft prices when deciding what to procure
• If you want feel free to give arguments towards merging AAC or FAA assets into the RAF (get extra 1 billion) for budget if you do