Crusaders, M1A3s.... wow... As to NLOS-C being outshoot I think not. While a 155mm L52 can outshoot a L38 with conventional ammunition the dispersion is so high at those ranges that its basically worthless fires unless you are shooting at a Regiment (aka Battalion of 18-24 guns) or Div Arty (aka Brigade of 48-72 guns) level. Since the NLOS-C will shoot mostly Excalibur it will outgun the longer barrels.
Anyway I will refer to someone a bit more informed about what's happening with FCS now:
Quotes from US SecDef Robert Gates in a recent speech
From this you can take the following facts. The FCS Manned Ground Vehicle (MGV) has not been ‘cancelled’ it has been delayed so as to be reconfigured in both concept and contract.
The new concept will probably see a move away from a common MGV vehicle system to perhaps two vehicle systems with one being designed for at least the 30-40 tonne class and the other the original 20-30 tonne class. The MGV will also be redesigned for improved belly protection against mines and IEDs.
But most significantly and probably why this was done is the push back in spend saves a lot of money and the new contract model will probably be competitive. Currently FCS MGV involves all the major builders of tracked AFVs in the US (GDLS and BAES) in a non-competitive, cooperative model. No doubt Gates is hoping competition will lead to more savings.
No Crusaders there, no M1A3s either...