Yes, we will give a clear recommendation, says Pål Bjørseth leader of the project team which will recommend which fighter Norway should buy.
Roughly six months ago the two competitors Saab and LM their binding offers on 2,500 pages each. "Since then we have worked day and night going through the offers and evaluating" says Bjørseth.
Both [competitors] had to respond to roughly 1000 requirements. These responses the team has used six months to evaluate. 27 groups with up to 100 people have evaluated the technical capabilities for the planes. People from DoD, FLO, FFI and LUKS have done this.
Purchase, maintainance and upgrade costs have been evaluated by people from FFI and FLO, wheraeas offsets have been evaluated by FFI, DoD, Dept. of Commerce, and 'Innovasjon Norge'.
Only Mr. Bjørseth and a few others know the result of all these evaluations.
The people in the different evaluation groups have not had access to eachothers work.
Mr Bjørseth stresses that even if his team will give a clear recommendation on which plane to choose, the politicians will make the decision.
Defence politicians in the parlament makes it clear that the political room for manouvring will be less the more clear the recommendation from the professional evaluation team. If Bjørseth and his team recommends that the F-35 is clearly best for Norway, not in the least in a 30-40 years perspective, it hardly matters that the Swedes offer huge offsets.
Bjørseth also says that the government has made it clear that the capabilities and costs are more important than industrial collaboration.
"But still I don't believe that LM feel completely confident that they will be chosen. In my opinion the government has built the foundations for a credible competition, and our project has benefited from this, he says."