Fine. Show me a supersonic tactical fighter that has 18000lbs of internal fuel and weighs 12.7 tons.
You will only be able to show me one.
That's not the most refined way to add to this tread..
Is the next thing that you will make fun of my writing?
People in this thread have asked for facts. I have presented them. Please try and counter them if you can. That's how debate works.
People make a position, support it and allow others to try and counter it. In the case of, " LM always points out the stealth feature nothing els", it's a pretty easy claim to dispute, which is what I did.
My point about L-M was obviously lost on you. I mentioned Sukhoi only because "fans" of their aircraft, much like the fans of Gripen and other Euro-Canards on the web, either don't understand or choose to conveniently ignore the FACT that external stores create an increased drag effect. Their physical performance is therefore compromised by reality.
External stores minimise the G forces that an aircraft can pull and weapons on ANY aircraft limit the G forces an aircraft can pull, if they wish to actually launch those weapons.
Therefore: attempting to claim what an aircraft CAN or CANNOT do performance -wise based on manufacturers claims is an exercise in futility. For one thing, they NEVER give the exact data. This information is described as "classified". For another, they almost never give information on an aircrafts performance when loaded, because it is not flattering.
People on discussion websites however ignore this. They read that an F-15 can fly at Mach 2.5 according to Boeing, whereas an F/A-18 Hornet can only fly at Mach 1.8.
Ergo the F-15 is OBVIOUSLY the superior aircraft right?
Wrong! Try reading a few anecdotes from F-15 pilots. You'll find they rarely ever exceed about M1.6, which a Hornet can also comfortably make.
People have used similar arguments against the Gripen and F-35. According to L-M, the F-35 is not intended to "supercruise".
Fanboys point out that SAAB has announced the Gripen CAN supercruise. Ergo the Gripen has an advantage right? What is supercruise? The ability to fly at supersonic speeds on dry thrust? The F-104 Starfighter and English Electric Lightning could do that. So if fighters 40 years ago could do it, why are current fighters not being designed with it? Does supercruise count if you have to use your afterburner to get through the transonic hump?
Perhaps it's what L-M claims it means. The ability to fly at sustained supersonic speeds at M1.7 or above, on dry thrust. SAAB disagrees with that definition. Of course it does. It's fighter can barely make that speed on full mil power.
You then decided to start talking about the PAK-FA, when in fact Zeven and I were at least discussing the topic thread, F-35's and Gripens.
I think we will see more hard facts of this PAK-FA before 2015.
Did you know that the Sukhoi is the 4'th biggest airplane manufactor in the world, that suggest they are doing something right..
They have upgraded their production lines to a very competative standard.
Sukhoi have many partners(Thales, Airbus etc) across the aviation industri world wide.
People like you are very quick to dismiss Boeing and L-M. Boeing is the BIGGEST aircraft manufacturer in the world. Perhaps THEY are doing something right, no?
Why are you so negative against "Russian" aviation?
Because it doesn't live up to the marketing hype that people like to use to try and "prove" some sort of superiority.
To be fair to Russian Aviation, nothing ever could. Therefore my ire is really directed at persons making claims without even Rosboronexport reports to support them.
And no, I won't be criticising your writing. Please review the 4000 plus posts I've made on this site in the 5 years I've been posting here and try and find where I've personally attacked someone for their knowledge of English.
Formatting on the other hand... Try and fix up your quoting somewhat. It makes it easier to reply...