He provided no sources, and is contradicted by a quite authoritative source: Moscow Defense Brief.
This was early 2008. Since then, more modernized Flankers should have been delivered, and possible more modernized Su-24 and Su-25 planes. I doubt more Foxhounds have been delivered but I suppose it's possible. 40 is a bit unrealistic to put it midly.Programs to modernize the majority of these aircraft have already gotten underway, though financing has to date been insufficient. The state armament program for 2007–2015 projects the modernization of 408 frontline aircraft. As of today the Air Force has received about 36 modernized Su-27SM fighters, 11 Su-24M2 frontline bombers, 10 Su-25SM assault bombers, and two MiG-31 interceptor-fighters. The majority of these modernizations are limited and relatively inexpensive.