Perhaps they consider it a waste of time, on the other hand the experts should also consider that the politicians lack the knowledge base to understand this. Why not grab the chance to demonstrate the superiority of F-35 in a fair competition?
Selective response here as I think we're going around in circles.
It's also deliberately abstract as an answer.
We don't need to have access to physical Su-27's or Mig 35's to simulate and evaluate against JSF. We already have sufficient data to achieve baseline assumptions and have a level of confidence. Note this is real classified quality access to real data, not the Janes and Kopp/Goon data which is open source and often easily challenged.
Similarly, JSF partners don't need to get access to Gripens to compare performance specs.
In absolute terms do I care what the Norwegians get? NO. I only care what we get, and based on what we know and have from multiple sources it isn't the Gripen.
On the issue of politicians listening to the warfighters - thats a pretty long bow to draw, I can think of any number of military purchases where politicians polluted the process due to political imperatives at a local governance or regional level.
In an australian context the push to get the F-22 was politically expeditious for the existing Govt when it was in Opposition last year, however, once they got the briefings on why the F22 was not a good choice, they quietly started to reduce the volume on their intent to pursue the aircraft as a repalcement for JSF. The govt took advantage of the hysteria that APA were generating as it suited their political vehicle of pursuit against the prev government. Unfort, its come back to bite them as they now have to gently turn into the wind so that they don't look like hypocrites. Australian, German, Danish, American etc... politicians are the same cut of cloth when it comes to these issues. They're beasts of opportunity.
Hence, my clear view is that the rNAF, have made it clear that on capability they'd prefer the JSF, may end up with a less qualified aircraft due to whatever house rules apply. At the end of the day it's their choice.
Me? I'd rather get the best available capability and look at it holisitically rather than through the fractured prism of local, regional geopolitics. Sweden however has been much better at getting product out than the French with Rafale.