The Royal Navy Discussions and Updates


Active Member
Verified Defense Pro
Electronics, command suites, Radars still to go i believe. Not to mention all the wires and more "mundane" things such as beds, kitchen equipment etc.
electronics done all flight management done the fiber optic wires ordered. Radar is Artisan and S-1850 [I think it was in an old desider which had that article] Im fairly sure command suites are done Wouldn't beds and kitchen equipment not come from the build kitty but from maintenance or old vessels


The Bunker Group
electronics done all flight management done the fiber optic wires ordered. Radar is Artisan and S-1850 [I think it was in an old desider which had that article] Im fairly sure command suites are done Wouldn't beds and kitchen equipment not come from the build kitty but from maintenance or old vessels
Only place they would be able to get enough kitchen stuff to fill one of those would be an invincible and all the equipment would be 40 years old.

Sure they've selected the radar, but has it been ordered?
Perhaps as a cost cutting measure they will expect everyone to bring packed lunches. That could save a fair bit now I think about it.


Well-Known Member
Lighting, both emergency and general hasn't been contracted, neither has switches, sockets and junction boxes. I hope to get the good news on lights in 2 weeks time. There are a lot of lights on one of these babies, almost as many as a cruise ship, but not anywhere near as complicated.

Systems Adict

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro

Do you work for this company ???

...or are you declaring that "your company" is in the "down-select" from the top 5 list that the CVF Alliance has....?

...& what about fleet continuity(meeting up with what was fitted in LPD / LSD(A) / Type 45) / spares / NATO stores across the globe, do you already supply them ???

Could be worse, you could work for...

If you know your recent UK Business history (last 5 years), you'll understand why.

No comments required !


PS, wish i was the supplier for the "standard domestic light switches, sockets & back boxes". THAT contract is gonna be worth a few mil.....
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Well-Known Member
No not for that company, the company I work for has supplied lights for the Bay Class, Wave Class and some on the Albion. Due to a monumental cock up we didn't bid for type 45. For CVF COTS was the preferred route, cheaper, easier to obtain, since the ships is being built to Lloyds Classification for Naval Ships rather than full naval standards COTS makes sence.

Of the five preferred bidders I know the names of two, do you know who the other three are?


Active Member
Verified Defense Pro
No not for that company, the company I work for has supplied lights for the Bay Class, Wave Class and some on the Albion. Due to a monumental cock up we didn't bid for type 45. For CVF COTS was the preferred route, cheaper, easier to obtain, since the ships is being built to Lloyds Classification for Naval Ships rather than full naval standards COTS makes sence.

Of the five preferred bidders I know the names of two, do you know who the other three are?
stupid question but whats the difference between full naval standard and Lloyds Classification for Naval Ships


Well-Known Member
Lloyds Classification for Naval Ships is based on commercial ship classifications, from what I understand it's basically a commercial ship with extras.

Systems Adict

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
stupid question but whats the difference between full naval standard and Lloyd's Classification for Naval Ships
As Kiwirob said....

But, to help explain further.

Full Naval Standards.

For the UK usually = Def-Stans, NES's & BR's.

These are the rules that layout EXACTLY what materials have to be used, how much damage the equipment must be able to sustain & still function, the colour of the surface finish, warning notices & labels, down to SPECIFIC dimensions & components that must be used, sourced from particular manufacturers or using NATO Codified parts (NSN's).

This means that the product has probably been battle proven or tested to destruction, been through various other testing procedures (possibly including operability under certain climactic conditions), & design / construction has been fully ratified by the MoD.

Lloyd's rules while being stringent, don't go that far (by a long way).

...When discussing Domestic equipment (light switches / sockets / back boxes), guess which one is at LEAST 5 times the cost of the other, & guess which one is about 3 times the cost of the one YOU can buy from your local store.

Oh to be a supplier of equipment to the Shipbuilding Industry....



The Bunker Group
As Kiwirob said....

But, to help explain further.

Full Naval Standards.

For the UK usually = Def-Stans, NES's & BR's.

These are the rules that layout EXACTLY what materials have to be used, how much damage the equipment must be able to sustain & still function, the colour of the surface finish, warning notices & labels, down to SPECIFIC dimensions & components that must be used, sourced from particular manufacturers or using NATO Codified parts (NSN's).

This means that the product has probably been battle proven or tested to destruction, been through various other testing procedures (possibly including operability under certain climactic conditions), & design / construction has been fully ratified by the MoD.

Lloyd's rules while being stringent, don't go that far (by a long way).

...When discussing Domestic equipment (light switches / sockets / back boxes), guess which one is at LEAST 5 times the cost of the other, & guess which one is about 3 times the cost of the one YOU can buy from your local store.

Oh to be a supplier of equipment to the Shipbuilding Industry....

I believe that the T45 was to Lloyd's rules as well.


New Member
Although it's a bit slow with news about the RN at the moment, there's a NATO Naval exercise going on, off the West Coast of the UK.

The French Helicopter carrier Tonnere, the RN LPD HMS Bulwark, one of the carrier's, the LSD(A) Mounts Bay, HMS Argyll, HMS Penzance & the Type 42 Destroyer, HMS Manchester, to name but a few.

It also happens to take place with the Final visit to the River Clyde by the QE2, during it's round the UK visit, prior to it's pay off to become a floating hotel in Dubai.

There are some pictures here...


Had no idea that was going on!
Cheers for the link, plenty of great Clyde-side photos too.


New Member
Any update on FSC? Very quiet on that front given the lead times (and inevitable delays) accompanying any new ship design and classification.

kev 99

Any update on FSC? Very quiet on that front given the lead times (and inevitable delays) accompanying any new ship design and classification.
To be honest I don't see any particular rush for those designs, between the T45s and CVFs the shipyards are going to be busy for years and the first FSC isn't expected to be in service until 2019.


New Member
FAA Helicopter Operated on Frigates and Destroyers

Why are the Merlins operated on some of the UK Frigates/Destroyers while the Lynx on others?

I know the Merlin is newer and I imagine a better ASW platform but you loose the Sea Skua of the Lynx.

As far as I can see the Merlins are on the Frigates and the Lynx on the Destroyers. Will all the Lynx be phased out in time?

Which one will the T45s have?


The Bunker Group
Why are the Merlins operated on some of the UK Frigates/Destroyers while the Lynx on others?

I know the Merlin is newer and I imagine a better ASW platform but you loose the Sea Skua of the Lynx.

As far as I can see the Merlins are on the Frigates and the Lynx on the Destroyers. Will all the Lynx be phased out in time?

Which one will the T45s have?
I assume the Lynx are on the Destroyers because unlike the Frigates they do not have an organic Over the horizon anti-ship missile (harpoon).

Lynx is not being phased out, it will be replaced by future lynx.