hi all,
I have just read a book about the Collins Class submarine project.
Collins class submarine story, steel spies and spin; by Peter Yule and Derek Woolner
The Collins class have good point and some bad points. The book was generally complementary, in retrospect if they went with the German design and not Swedish they would in all probability got submarines that work sooner rather than later.
Some specifics,
The book said that the size of the bow sonar was increased to allow for coverage of the stern. It was assumed that the hullshape would still be quiet, but the new hullshape was not tank tested for quietness! Part of this was the Swedish way of operating, going out a few hours from port and sitting on the bottom, thus quietness at medium speed has never been a priority.
The Collins class was (at time of Hawaii) was very very quiet at low speed, 4 knots and less. At medium speed is was found noisy due to hull noise. There were early problems with the propeller, this was changed to an American one with special tips, additionally the propeller was machine (robot) finished rather than hand finished to give a much quieter setup.
Recently work was been done with fairings and smoothing the bow sonar hull juncture to make hull noise less. So what speed now the Collins class can go at low noise would be nice to know. the aim was 8 knots, whether that was archived I do not know, the book did not say, so the current quiet speed is somewhere between 4 and 8 knots.
A huge issue was the Combat system,
It had 3 versions, the initial , the interim and the final.
in reading the book the origiinal combat system was a massive disaster.
The interim fix which is still in place is some boats is still only so so.
Apparently they have something quite good now (American system) but it is not in all boats yet. Before the interim fix it was amazingly bad, they could barely get out of Port (I think at this time the Oberons were retired, so if we had a war at that time we would have been stuffed!). The book seemed to suggest that instead of The American system a better way to go would have been a system installed in Israeli boats. But because of political reasons they went with USA.
going with USA has plusses and minuses. Minuses was that it was inferior to alternate, plusses was that it allows for greater cooperation with American navy. Now the American navy is just buying commercial off the shelf components for it's new system!
In regards to the Hawaii test the book claimed that this was staged to favour the submarine. Because the submarine was at that time quiet only at low speed, the surface vessels were located close to the submarine so that the sub would not have to go fast to get into shooting position.
As to why the panel chose the Swedish and not German. Apparently the Germans just did not get what the Aust navy wanted. The Navy wanted a big capable submarine with long range. For some reason the German company proposed a smaller than ideal sub. Part of this seems to have been a communication issue. So if the Germans had modified their proposal for a larger sub with more range, then in all probability they would have won the contract as their design was deemed lower risk.
To really really know, just read the book, but at the library because it is expensive!