Ok,back to topic...
That is...
The outcomes of Georgia's defeat worries me a lot.:shudder
They have spent a much higher share from their budget than all NATO's nation (except the USA, obvious), they buyed some of the more sofisticated and trendy western-stile weaponry and one of the worst equipped ( but with more combat experience) division of russian army:nutkick...in just five days
My opinion is that someting went wrong in the western (united states) way of fighting and, above all, organizing an army...
All-volunteer forces, extremely light and mobile, shaped for unconventional warfare and relyng on very high tecnological assets to gain battlefield superiority.
Ok, wake up! Sure, you have very sofisticated network enabled radio equipment, lovely NVG and digitalized camo, so you can fight at night with the same easy that on midday,your new light trucks can resist to the most destructive Ied and the new javelin missiles are the BEST in the world, five time better than old dragoons (Only pity that they cost fifteen times more), but it is not night now, it's 10 o'clock time, you are in Georgia and that noise that you and your platoon hear now it' s an armored russian regiment coming right up to you, so shoot your six missiles fast and run faster... because they can have only T-62m and bmp-1, but they are still an armored regiment and you are still a light infantry platoon.