OK, firstly, I still think that, aside from MPA role, aircraft like SeaMasters and Tradewinds could have been "seaplane KC-135s".1) Do you have a legitimate source for this or are you pulling information out of your butt or picking and choosing like you always do?
2) This isn't 8 years ago and carriers along with the rest of the USN have lower manning levels.
3) I can buy that if you count EVERYONE on watch at the time the aircraft is launched, the flight deck crew, cat crew, the snipes standing various watches, the people in CIC, the bridge ect. There are NOT 800 people needed to run that catapult.
Secondly, I had a friend on a CV about 10 years ago and he sent me a news bulletin that mentioned the number 600. From what I remember, only those directly involved in the flight deck, hangar, CAT, and island ops were counted. I didn't save it then but a few days ago contacted PAOs on CV/Ns asking for confirmation on that. I shall reproduce their answers here as soon as they are received.
Of course, now the number may be smaller, but not by much. I will even admit that it can vary from ship to ship, even of the same class!