I think that you suppose what i am thinking not what in reality I am.
Of course, I don't know what you are thinking. All I know about you is what you post here, & I've formed my opinion from that. If it doesn't represent your true opinions & feelings, why do you not adjust your tone? You've been told before what impression it gives.
Let us pick an example: your recent post in which you claimed that the current government was cutting the number of escorts by half. When challenged, you claimed that no replacement for the remaining Type 22s had been announced, & you assumed that they would be retired without replacement. If we go through this in detail, we find -
1. It included a falsehood, whether intentional or mistaken, i.e. that no replacement for the Type 22s had been announced.
2. Even if your incorrect assumption about the Type 22s was true, the numbers were wrong. To cut numbers by half would mean retiring some Type 23s before any replacement was in service.
3. The timing is wrong. It requires the Labour party to be re-elected (currently a rather remote prospect), or whoever forms the next government to continue cutting.
At each step, you present a worst case, which in some cases is implausible (Labour re-election), & in others plain untrue. It's a consistent pattern, in line with all your other posts. In my experience, anyone who is so relentlessly pessimistic that they find the bad even where it does not exist, finds what they want to find. If it isn't there, they find it anyway, because they want it to be true.