Requires fighter aircraft that could bomb the enemy
In a hitherto unknown letters to aircraft manufacturers requires the Air Force that Norway's new fighter aircraft to be able to participate in offensive operations and bomb enemy territory.
The letter from Kampflyprosjektet, which will recommend the Government which aircraft to replace the F-16, specifies the objectives of fighter aircraft in a manner that might be seen as politically controversial - and tailor-made for the American fighter JSF. Critics characterize the JSF as a bombers.
The letter from October 2007, as Aftenposten has been granted access to, ask Kampflyprosjektet relating to access to test the planes properties in the simulator. The mission of Norway's new fighter is described as follows:
# "The primary task will be to destroy ground targets, moving and static. The number of goals per mission should be at least one each fighter. "In other words, bombing of targets on the ground in hostile areas.
# "The secondary task will be offensive air, and the destruction of the enemy's radar and air forces that are required to perform the primary task." In other words, attacks on the fighter who defend the hostile area, and the destruction of radar, etc.
The letter went to the three aircraft manufacturers; U.S. Lockheed Martin (Joint Strike Fighter), Swedish Saab (JAS Gripen) and the European Eurofighter, who resigned in protest after the short.
While in particular SV has been extremely keen to acquire fighter aircraft that first and foremost to monitor and enforce the Norwegian sovereignty in the richest far north - that is, fast and long-aircraft - will be there in the letter specified a number of demands on the offensive kampegenskaper.
Independent defence analyst John Berg is sjokkert of the letter:
-- The letter indicates that the first priority is not only international operations, such as our F-16 aircraft have participated in over Afghanistan, but operations as more similar to the attack on Iraq in 2003, and a possible attack on Iran at some time in the future.
-- The document specifies operations in the hostile area where there is a strong, integrated air defence with a SAMs, supported by fighter aircraft. I would think that such missions had the lowest priority. But then, it has emerged that this is the Air Force put the greatest emphasis on. The Ministry of Defence must clarify whether the process is based on our needs in the far north as the first priority, or international operations, "says Berg.
"Rogue States"
He believes that the specification is directed toward the plane to attack countries like Iran, North Korea and China.
-- JSF is designed for such operations. The note shows that the Air Force hangs again in thinking from around 2000, when the ambitions was to be with the United States for actions in a strong consolidation of positions far inside the "røverstater." At the mindset is still live, is very surprising, "says Berg.
SVs defence spokesman Peter Sterling says that Berg has "the right in their suspicions."
-- It is not the order we have given to the Air Force. It is not the specifications the Norwegian people demand. 80 percent of the use of the planes is the opposite, it is we who will defend anything, not to use them as attack aircraft, "says Jacobsen.
At the same time, he chooses to interpret the letter positive:
-- All are agreed that we should have a multirole figter. The Armed Forces of Norway is the main target, but we should also have the capacity to defend international law. I assume that it is these qualities they are most uncertain, and so they have asked to know more about exactly those qualities. I assume that the Air Force sitting in with information about the other properties, which range and the possibility of disruption, "he says.
-- If they have not checked the aircraft for the properties are needed to monitor the vast ocean and our land, they will learn to laugh. I take for granted that they do not want to set up in such a situation. In any case, it would be a political assessment that determines in the end, "says Jacobsen.
Facts: Jagerflykjøp
The mission of future fighter:
The primary task will be to destroy
various bakkemål, mobile and fixed.
The secondary task will be
offensive air (Offensive Counter Air),
and the destruction of the enemy's radarsystem
necessary to complete the primary tasks
(DEAD, Destruction of Enemy Air Defence.
The competition between Sweden's Saab (JAS Gripen) and the U.S. Lockheed Martin (Joint Strike Fighter - JSF).
The Government is planning to put forward its proposal to Parliament before Christmas.
The Parliament should adopt flykjøpet the spring of 2009