I have never supported cutting the fleet down to six carriers, I said "some have have suggested cutting the fleet of carriers down to six." I agree with all your reasons.
I look upon the Marines 12 Hornets aboard a carrier as much more effective in close air support, as useful as Navy Hornets for maritime strike, but not as effective as interceptors. An admiral would have to be crazy asking the Marines to do the interceptor job. There are still many navy squadrons aboard. I would only use the Marines Lightning IIs, all Bs, for maritime strike or close air support, never as interceptors. Where did I say I would? Stop reading between the lines. When one assumes, one makes an *** of themselves. I said, "the Bs would be useful off a carrier." I didn't say they would be better than Cs.
Frigates are tack on ships for today's carrier battle groups. Their reason for being has to do with ocean escorting. Since there are no threat to ocean escorting, they are included with carrier battle groups. But not for long, the US Navy wants out of the frigate business. I agree, the MK13 provided limited utility and sucked up big bucks. The US Navy has plenty of VLS cells on their Aegis cruisers and destroyers tasked to escort carriers. But the Mk 13 Perrys had much more area air defense than RAMs of the LCS useful for ocean escorting convoys, in low air threat areas.
Every Aegis cruiser, and around half of the Aegis destroyers, along with the carriers themselves, carry ASW helicopters. All of the escorts carry Mk 32 ASW torpedoes tubes. Do all the ships need to be armed with everything? The LCS slated for the ocean escorting role, think convoys not carriers, will carry the containers for ASW. Those used for mine hunting will carry containers for that role. All of the LCSs will have RAM self defense air missiles. All of the LCSs will have a helicopter hangar.
The US Navy wants LCS. Why do so many not want LCS? Does a frigate escorting convoys in low threat areas need any missile better than RAM? Yes, I do know ESSMs and SM-2s have much more range than RAM.
People want to build up the number of ships in the fleet. I offer a $400 million LCS, which many think will be at least $50 million cheaper when bought in numbers. Yet, they want nothing less than a Burke. Sorry, Burkes cost $2 billion, and we already have enough of them to escort our carriers and amphibious task forces.