War isn't fair - and yet you expect us to engage in some amateur debate where all reality is suspended just because your own view of this is geared towards the use and effectiveness of SAMs.But such "not fair" preposition will lead nowhere in analysis and discussion. Because EVERY weapon or tactic will be completely ineffective for the side meeting such "not fair" train.
As I said, over a dozen countries are able to deliver some kind of parallel capability at battlefield level (as opposed to theatre level). Do we discount all of those countries in this mythical counterforce just because they have an electronic capability, an airborne ewarfare ability and long range strike ability?I ask you again: WHAT tactic, and WHAT weapon should employ a country against such "not fair" enemy? What is your alternative?
You're loading the bases to fit your theory. Thats not debate. Thats spin. If you don't include countries with an ability to impose contemporary ewarfare etc then they will resort to tried and true methods such as specforces raids etc... what will your answer be then? that the place is heavily defended and that no special forces can breach the facilities? You're loading the bases to fit your view of the world. Suspending reality on that basis is disingenuine at best.
Actually, it's been responded to a number of times. You keep on wanting to have a loaded debate just because you're aggrieved that modern technology effects your pet theories in some form or fashion - and because it has been demonstrated that modern ewarfare systems and packages have shown that they can dominate IADS/GBADSo far you presented none. Somehow your always place IADS user on the side which get badly gang banged by "not fair" enemy. This is just wrong and illogical. Lets revert things. IADS user now is "lucky" guy. Non-IADS user get the worst stick and his airforces were completely obliterated in the first strike, while his weak attempts to answer were repelled by opposing SAM's and fighters.
Suspending reality using force matchup that only reflects 3rd world offensive forces is hardly effective debateNow, how that "not fair" case sounds to you, and how useful it is for analysis of SAM's effectiveness?
strange that the growth in system development is not in SAMs but in ewarfare airborne systems and ABM. the fact that ABM development is the priority should say something to you....P.S. Btw, it is not only me who think SAM's are very useful. Somehow every other army leaders around the world thinks the same. Even USA, with by far world strongest airforces, still develop, maintain and field fair number of SAM's.
militaries use whatever tools they have at their disposal. they also use bicycles and pigeons to get messages to areas where e-comms is deficient. whats your point?Dont you think they have some plan how to use them?
how long has it taken for airfields to be recovered in airstrikes in the last 40 years? Atypically they have been back in business within a day. If you lose command, if you don't have redundant systems in place, if you can't liaise or distribute threat and response messages to your controllers, then it means that whatever intact nodes are left are autonomous. Guess who's vulnerable now?P.S. Also, may i remind you, what airfields are far, far, like 2 orders of maginitude, more vulnerable then SAM's? And any enemy capable of reliably killing whole IADS will surely have zero problem suppressing and damaging enemy airfields?
Ever noticed that the attack on IADS is geared towards their C2, C3 nodes? Killing the SAM is a plus. Killing the comms node is the priority.