
F-15 Eagle

New Member
What happens when a flash grenade goes off right next to you? Does it really make you go blind and deaf for 30 seconds?


The worst that happened during my time in the army, involving grenades, was infact a smoke which was thrown by a guy in the neighbour-platoon during a live fire exercise. Apparently he "threw like a girl", the smoke detonated and the phosphorus hit four guys in the group and two got severe burns. One got it in his neck and the other got it on his hand. Both were rushed to the nearby hospital... 35 kilometres away. But they were "ok" after a day or so. :)
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What happens when a flash grenade goes off right next to you? Does it really make you go blind and deaf for 30 seconds?
You mean a so called "flash'n'bang"?
Its only purpose is to disorient the enemy. Side effect is temporary chock and maybe your eardrums might burst if inside a small room. It also have several small charges so the grenade jumps randomly with every bang which also produces bright flashes, like looking at the sun.
You get somewhat "blind" and temporarily deaf. Most likely your hearing gets damaged for life, I guess.


New Member
Funniest story I have heard was when a friend of mine was doing his MOUT training is AUS army and they got flashbangs, the badguys were told they could use any means to subdue the soldiers, so they bust open this door, throw a flashbang in only to have the door deing slamed shut at the same time the grenade bounced back and went off, 10 soldiers were blinded and one mouse was killed...


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
... a smoke which was thrown by a guy in the neighbour-platoon during a live fire exercise. Apparently he "threw like girl", the smoke detonated and the phosphorus hit four guys in the group and two got severe burns.
Granted I am no expert, but how come a smoke grenade can detonate with phosphorus coming out and hitting people?
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Granted I am no expert, but how come a smoke grenade can detonate with phosphorus coming out and hitting people?
Wind and/or bad thrown smoke? Found a clip on youtube which also shows the exact type. Look at that flying phosphorus... :shudder
[ame=""]YouTube - Smoke grenades - boden (sweden) 05[/ame]


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Granted I am no expert, but how come a smoke grenade can detonate with phosphorus coming out and hitting people?
There are two types of smoke grenade - one is the white phos grenade which is primarily an incendiary grenade but can be used for generating smoke, and the other is the standard signalling smoke grenade which just pumps out a thick stream of coloured smoke.

Obviously you are talking about the latter type and rattmuff is talking about the former type. :)


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
And this phosphor is really damn ugly.
We use it in our smoke grenades on the tanks and during more than one occassion one tank accidently set another one on fire (or better the camo net and storage...) because he generated a smoke screen too close to his comrades.
Sometimes also with bad consequences for the crew in the other tank...