IRIAF Tomcat


New Member
Yes and no. They are certainly a well trained force that performed surprisingly well, however most of their weapons were outdated and performed very poorly. Now they did use good tactics to make up for the poor performance of the older ATGM's, but for the most part it was the presence of the new Kornets that accounted for the lions share of the damage. The issue of course is that Israel didn't fight a proper COIN war. They didn't bring in the massive numbers of light infantry, nor do they have the tactical strike CAS (they use fighter jets for it). The result of a regular conventional force facing a dedicated, well trained, and moderately well equiped insurgent force on their fome ground is usually predictable.
You're right. I meant they were well equipped for an insurgency. You're also right about the Kornets. They used their older sagger missiles to demolish houses once Israeli troops took cover inside. Their tactics were extremely effective. One reason for Israel's poor showing was also a certain level of over-confidence in their own abilities and a lack of respect for Hezbollah's capabilities. Two things that will always lead to defeat.


Banned Member
The book below gives tremendous insight into the subject. Iran was able to acquire large quantities of spare parts needed for its F-14/AWG-9 fleet/radar and AIM-54 Phoenix rounds during the Iran-Contra scandal (during) the Reagan administration. According to the authors, the Iranians resolved all their spare parts issues by 1991 regardless. According to this book, the Iranians were offered the F-15 but chose the F-14 because it would defeat the F-15 in exercises nearly every time. The Tomcats agility, AWG-9 & Phoenix missile simply could not be ignored, (some say to this day). The F-14 only big Achilles heal seems to be its power plants, very touchy.

Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units In Combat- Cooper, Tom; Bishop, Farzad; Osprey Publishing, 2004.
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Banned Member
Iranian F-14A-GR

The book below gives tremendous insight into the subject. Iran was able to acquire large quantities of spare parts needed for its F-14/AWG-9 fleet/radar and AIM-54 Phoenix rounds during the Iran-Contra scandal (during) the Reagan administration. According to the authors, the Iranians resolved all their spare parts issues by 1991 regardless. According to this book, the Iranians were offered the F-15 but chose the F-14 because it would defeat the F-15 in exercises nearly every time. The Tomcats agility, AWG-9 & Phoenix missile simply could not be ignored, (some say to this day). The F-14 only big Achilles heal seems to be its TF-30 power plants, very touchy.

Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units In Combat- Cooper, Tom; Bishop, Farzad; Osprey Publishing, 2004.

I am very confusing about this if we looking in western media, always said that Iranian Tomcat do nothing during Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), but when we read the ACIG research that said that Tomcat play major role during the war. Which is true? Even in ACIG said that Iranian hold degree for top aces in Phantom, Tomcat and Tiger I
CAn someone gave an right explanation about this ? Thx
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New Member

obrescia The way I thought the F-14 was chosen over the F-15 could be found in this book -TOMCAT! THE GRUMMAN F-14 STORY. You would fine very difficult finding supporting proof of your below statement.
offered the F-15 but chose the F-14 because it would defeat the F-15 in exercises nearly every time.
I would like to see a list of these exercises.

The F-15 flew first so the F-14 pilot saw the F-15 pilot put on a great show and knew he couldn't match the F-15 thrust and power turns. On a smart move by the F-14 pilot really heads thinking he burn up as much as his fuel on the ground before take off thus losing weight and giving his aircraft the best change possible. I didn't think it happen this way until I read the story by the pilot who flew the aircraft. It's a great read and it might have been covered on a early Wing's show I don't know. I'm sure there are a lot of Navy personnel or Tomcat drivers who would back it up. The quick thinking move by the pilot help make the sale.


New Member
Breakdown of Iranian Tomcat kills

I have the book.

IRIAF F-14s scored 150 victories... And you believe this?
Here's a breakdown of the 156 kills Iranian F-14's are credited with during the Iran-Iraq war:

B-60 - 1
C.601 - 1
Mi-24 - 1
Exocet missile! - 1
Mirage 5 - 1
SA.321 - 2
Mig-27 - 2
F-6 - 3
Super Etendard - 3
Tu-22 - 5
Su-20 - 6
Su-22 - 9
Unknown - 13
Mig-25 - 14
Mig-21 - 24
Mig-23 - 30
Mirage F.1 - 42

These kills are also all documented in detail in the book shown below:



Banned Member

uh, the Tomcat starts launching its 4 or 6 phoenix missiles at the F-15 from about 90nm. It's a not even close. F-15 is no match.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
uh, the Tomcat starts launching its 4 or 6 phoenix missiles at the F-15 from about 90nm. It's a not even close. F-15 is no match.
No, the Tomcat has no chance, for one all of Iran's Phoenix missiles are way past their use by date for their engines. Secondly you are talking about a missile that the US knows EVERYTHING about (since they made it and all) and it is old too boot so it will be VERY susceptible to modern EW and fighter missile defenses, especially since it was designed to take out bigger and less maneuverable targets than an F-15.


New Member
four or eight

They would all miss the Phoenix was design to shoot at big Russian bombers moving into cruise missile range at US Navy carriers not F-15s. The missile is dated its old tech it wouldn't do well in modern warfare against fighter size targets.


Banned Member

Yep, great book by Osprey! Only one of it's type. You'll need to bring up any issues you have with the authors/publisher.

obrescia The way I thought the F-14 was chosen over the F-15 could be found in this book -TOMCAT! THE GRUMMAN F-14 STORY. You would fine very difficult finding supporting proof of your below statement.

I would like to see a list of these exercises.

The F-15 flew first so the F-14 pilot saw the F-15 pilot put on a great show and knew he couldn't match the F-15 thrust and power turns. On a smart move by the F-14 pilot really heads thinking he burn up as much as his fuel on the ground before take off thus losing weight and giving his aircraft the best change possible. I didn't think it happen this way until I read the story by the pilot who flew the aircraft. It's a great read and it might have been covered on a early Wing's show I don't know. I'm sure there are a lot of Navy personnel or Tomcat drivers who would back it up. The quick thinking move by the pilot help make the sale.


Banned Member
According to the book (below), the Iranians had already decided on the Tomcat over the F-15 long before the aerial demos. Also the sale to Iran help 'save' Grumman and insured the production line would run for the US Navy orders as well.

Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units In Combat- Cooper, Tom; Bishop, Farzad; Osprey Publishing, 2004.