Ozzy Blizzard
New Member
First of all your looking at this the wrong way. Its not a single capability that gives you track data, its an amalgimation of various sources that gives you the data you need. Its not just "well i have an OHR capability so i'm all good" its the combination of various intel sources. They all play a different role in the information gathering and distribution system. JASSM-ER may be overkill for anti-shipping work, its primarilly designed to penitrate high end IADS from outside the threat engagement envilope. I mean it will be able to do anti shipping work perfectly well, but your right 1000km is unnessisary. Lets contain this discussion to JASSM.That list is really pushing it. In real world conditions most of those would be not very reliant, and good deal of them would usually not be available at the needed time and needed place.
Submarines would first need to be at the right spot at the right time - which in itself is not an easy task, especially for SSKs. Then they'd need to be very close to surface, if not at periscope depth to trasmit data - all of which would greatly endanger them.
Over the horizon radars would have an extremely hard time distinguishing what they're seeing, definitely not enough for targeting. Besides, only a portion of the seas is covered with them and only a few countries use them - not applicable for all the jassm users.
SBIRS, as it stands today, is A) not meant to be used for naval ship identification (even if a satellite detects something - how will it know which what sort of ship and whose ship that is?) and B) even in perfect conditions, there arent enough of them to go around detecting ships. Those sats still be detecting such small IR signatures on a wide area - they'd need to be fairly overhead. It's highly unlikely they could be relied upon for regular targeting info.
AWACS and any other airborne radar platform would need to be at some 400-450 or so km away from the target, probably a bit less if we want positive ID. So it is again a moot point to fire a missile a 1000 kms away from a plane A, when plane B can't be more than 400 kms away.
SSN/SSK's act as the sentry's, they are perfectly equiped for and designed to gather many forms of intel in hostile waters, like near a major enemy naval base. That gives you the initial warning that a task force is headed your way. Of cource thats in addition to attacking the threat itself.
OHR gives you the general target data, and even if the information is not precise enough to target a weapon by itself you can damn well be sure that the 6+ vessels sailing in formation with (possibly) organic air are not part of a fishing fleet.
Contemporary AEW&C's can track fighters at 500km+ range, therefore seeing something with an RCS a couple of orders of magnitude greater is not going to be limited to the radar's capability, but rather the radar horizon. I'm not sure what that number is at 40,000+ft but i'm sure its quite large. That WILL give you target track data good enough for weapons release (and then some).
SBIRS is an IIR (Imaging Infra Red) system which i would have no doubt could detect and identify something as large as a warship from LEO, the system is intended to track small BM's and even aircraft, so again assuming the weather is good you could conduct a real time battle damage assessment while the raid takes place. (What an asset!). Because it is a digital Imaging IR system the target could be visually identified.
What, you want to conduct an offenceinve air superiority mission against the task force's organic air, at extreme range, within the threats radar footprint and SAM engagement envilope? Are you crazy?Once again, a NSM with its LO features and IIR seeker is more than enough for most missions. If you've got to fight through enemy fighter cover to get within launching range - that means they're either got an aircraft carrier (in which case you've got bigger problems to worry about than a ship with PAAMS) or you've pinned them down, fairly close to their coastline and they're using their air force to protect their ships - in which case their navy is already half neutralized anyway. Either way, throwing fighter cover in this equation changes everything, as it's silly to even think of engaging the ships themselves without taking care of their air cover.
Thats the whole point about JASSM launched from an LO platform, they wont see you coming and you can launch from well outside the realistic fighter umbrella. If you were limited to an NSM (which AFAIK is a fair way from becoming reality in an air dropped version and cleared for F-35 drop and carry) you cant effectively engage the threat if it has organic air, without conducting such an air superiority mission. Possible but not very attractive. Anyway if you want to engage a threat without air cover (the pickets anyway) missile range is not an important factor. Unless the target has Airborne radar coverage and SM-6 or equivilant, it wont be able to engage the strike package or missiles untill they appear over the horizon, which may be <20 km's. Have a look at what the Argentinians did to HMS Shefield. In that situation what matters most is your missiles RCS and type of seeker or its speed. I'd put money on JASSM having a smaller RCS than NSM (or JSM as i thought it was to be called) even if it is a bigger missile.
Basically why wouldn't you use JASSM in a maritime strike roll? It has a bigger range, bigger payload, low RCS, passive seeker, it will increase your probability of a kill and allow you to engage a threat with organic air cover. For the high end stuff there is probably no better (arguably) AShM under development.