I see the Australian ship buiding programs in hindsight as this:
3 Vampires and 3 Adams were replaced by 6 Adelaide FFGs, and 6 Rivers were replaced by 8 Anzacs, when the last 2 Anzacs were built, 2 Adelaide FFGs were struck.
3 Hobarts will replace 4 Adelaide FFGs, with the potential of a fourth Hobart. During the last score, 20 years, 2 Kanimblas were added to the fleet. 2 Canberras plus another sealift ship will replace 2 Kanimblas and 1 Tobruk.
Adelaide FFGs were much better than the Vampires, but not as good as the Adams. Anzacs were much better than the Rivers. Hobarts will be much better than the FFGs, even better than the old Adams. And without a doubt, the Canberras will be much better than the Kanimblas and Tobruk. I see a bright future.
Of the old ships the Adams were the best. Because they were the best they lasted the longest. And while the Adams weren't replaced well, to begin with the Adelaide FFGs, they did operate in concert with them for a decade. And when the Adams were struck, there were twice as many Adelaides in the fleet. Will the Hobarts last as long as the Adams?
Some may say the 2 new Canberras more or less finally replaced the old Melbourne and Sydney, which were not replaced fully by the Tobruk, but the Kanimblas helped close the gap. If Australia buys the F-35B for the Canberras, that would be a cherry topping for their sundae.
Somehow the RAN seems to have done well the past forty years. Will the RAN do as well in the future. Most navies have seen huge cuts. Some will say the RAN was up to 14 escort ships, 6 Adelaide FFGs and 8 Anzacs, but the RAN never achieved this because 2 Adelaide FFGs were struck when the last 2 Anzacs were being built. With 2 Canberras to escort, I do wish for the fourth Hobart to bring the escort fleet up to 12 again.