But greatly inferior to the British 13.5" and 15" shells!
The Brits tried to improve the effectiveness of the 12" gun by increasing the calibre (increase in barrel length) but the resultant gun actually proved to be less accurate. The German 11" guns fitted to the WW2 pocket battleships and the battlecruisers
Scharnhorst and
Gneisenau, were excellent guns but were no match for the 14" - 16" guns of other navies. If the two battlecruisers had been rearmed as planned with 6x 15" guns (3 x 2) in place of their three tripple 11" turrets they would have been a much better match for the RN's capital ships.
After modification, including increased elevation, the RN's 15" gun was still one of the most dependable and effective big guns around in WW2. Although the last British battleship,
Vanguard, mounted 15" guns originally fitted to the so called 'light' cruisers
Courageous and
Glorious (both later converted to carriers) built in WW1, she was considered to be very well armed, even by post WW2 standards.