This is my source for such things (from the F-35 Project Office):Australia is currently scheduled to receive 27 F-35s from LRIP production; comprising four in LRIP 5 (2013), eight in LRIP 6 (2014) and 15 in LRIP 7 (2015). Multi Year Procurement (MYP) full rate production is due to kick in after this during which the RAAF will receive a further 15 in 2016, 15 in 2017, and 15 in 2018.
The estimated JSF Air Vehicle procurement quantities of the Participants are identified in Table A-1.
Table A-1
Participants’ Estimated JSF Air Vehicle Procurement Quantities
(Projected FY of Production Contract Definitization (approximately two years prior to delivery))
I've counted F-35s ordered in CY 2014 (2016 builds) as 'LRIP' while they are actually the first full rate production year. I have done so because the volume hasn't worked up to the sustained rate and their cost is very high. The percentage values are still of the same proportion for the formal LRIP.
Australia has 27% of F-35s from the formal LRIP. Italy has less than 10%, Netherlands ~20% (but they have two very early aircraft), UK ~8%, Canada, Norway, Denmark 0%.
So either way the figures are not good for Australia, we are spending big early which costs more and ups risk.