Typical press and media mistakes, confusing one aircraft to another. The author writes the articles, and the editors turn the story into a sensation piece, adding false information to sell newspapers.
The real truth is no one knows for sure how much inflation we will see in the twenty year JSF building program. While one can include figures that are conservative in nature, not even the GAO knows for sure. And no long range program I know of has stuck to the numbers long term either good or bad.
It wasn't long ago I saw numbers of 3,000 aircraft, now its been reduced to 2400+ aircraft. None of these numbers are solid, we could end up with 4,000 aircraft.
The real truth is no one knows for sure how much inflation we will see in the twenty year JSF building program. While one can include figures that are conservative in nature, not even the GAO knows for sure. And no long range program I know of has stuck to the numbers long term either good or bad.
It wasn't long ago I saw numbers of 3,000 aircraft, now its been reduced to 2400+ aircraft. None of these numbers are solid, we could end up with 4,000 aircraft.