1) As i mentioned from the start, All my forces would conduct with out their radars on, hence not giving away there position. 2nd i'd say that 1000kms would i say be classed as over the horizan and no russian or US ship for that matter would be able to get a fix or accurate bearing on any ship at that range.
By holding my carrier back, the chances of it being located from surface radar by russian forces would be none, hence protecting my carrier and the most important asset, the frigate is a procautionary need for any subs or stray long range missiles that may elude the SAG's.
2) Completly sorry about the F14 wasn't too sure if it had actually been retired yet.
3) Not completly sure of the Tomahawks ability over water, i thought due to its guidence system it was only used for land based sationary targets. But if it can be used for Naval engagements i would duely include that in any offensive stratagy.
4) Sorry TAS?
5) Why don't you think this would work? Given the targets would have close to exhausted there stocks of SAM's i thought by spreading the direction of the attacks this would hinder there ability in some circumstances to defend vs the incoming missiles. (while i realise that some of the Russian fleets have the VLS's, some also have twin -launch missile launchers and by spreading which direction they come from this would decrease the efficency of the re-load and firing positions)
6) SSN's take up there roles as hunter killer subs of the other russian subs and act like a net for the surface ships. they also provide missile attack platforms in the later stages of the attack.
Would love to here anyone's else's problems that i may have![/quote]
With all the SIGINT, ELINT, COMINT assets at sea, air, and land (space too), it is quite difficult to hide such a large naval force. You light off your radars, they will know where you are.
Your CVN has more AAW missile capability than your FFG (which has none).
Read up on all the Tomahawk variants.
TAS - towed array sonar, specifically the AN/SQR-19
Your planning and thinking is two-dimensional, you need to think in 3-D.
Still plenty of room for refinement.
So what do you see the Russians doing? (read the previous posts)